Europe - Lemon Thyme
- Quince1
- Teasel2
- Oats3
- Arnica4
- Marshmallow5
- Hops6
- Kiwi7
- Water Mint8
- Hazelnut9
- Olive Tree10
- Blue Orchid11
- Sourwood12
- Maritime Pine13
- Lemon Thyme14
- Cornflower15
- Roman Chamomile16
- Poppy17
- Raspberry18
- Bison grass19
- Iris20
- Sea Lettuce21
- Sea Lily22
- Blackcurrant23
- Rowan24
- Succory dock-cress25
- Cantaloupe melon26
- Rose27
- Salicornia28
- Scabious29
- Sunflower30
STOP NO.14: France
A firming elixir

NAME: Lemon thyme
LATIN NAME: Thymus X citriodorus
LOCATION: France, Portugal
TYPE: Large shrub

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